Laravel 9.25 Released

Laravel 9.25 Released

Laravel 9.25 released with new features list of string method, mass updating model timestamps with the query builder, and more. Let’s check these updates here:

1. whenNotExactly method() to Stringable : 

Anjorin Damilare contributed a whenNotExactly string method which will execute a given callback if the string is not an exact match with the given value. Here is the method detail.

     * Execute the given callback if the string is not an exact match with the given value.
     * @param  string  $value
     * @param  callable  $callback
     * @param  callable|null  $default
     * @return static
    public function whenNotExactly($value, $callback, $default = null)
        return $this->when(! $this->exactly($value), $callback, $default);

Now, Let’s see how we can use this with an example code:

First, with only the $value and the $callback function

    ->whenNotExactly('Tony Stark', function ($stringable) {
        return 'Iron Man';

// Returns `Iron Man` Because the value `Tony` is not the exact match with the `Tony Stark`

Second, with the default $value, so that if `false`, then it might return the default value.

// Provide an optional default value if `false`

Str::of('Tony Stark')
    ->whenNotExactly('Tony Stark', function ($stringable) {
        return 'Iron Man';
    }, function ($stringable) {
        return 'Swing and a miss...!';

// Returns `Swing and a miss...!`


2. Model::query()->touch() to mass update timestamps

Steve Bauman contributed a touch() method to the model query builder that allows to touch the model’s timestamp with or without query constraints. it works like Model::touch(). Here is the method detail:

 * Update the column's update timestamp.
 * @param  string|null  $column
 * @return int|false
public function touch($column = null)
    $time = $this->model->freshTimestamp();

    if ($column) {
        return $this->toBase()->update([$column => $time]);

    $column = $this->model->getUpdatedAtColumn();

    if (! $this->model->usesTimestamps() || is_null($column)) {
        return false;

    return $this->toBase()->update([$column => $time]);

Now, Let’s see how we can use this with an example code:

// Mass updating the updated_at column using touch()
// Mass updating the updated_at column with query constraints
User::where('email', 'like', '')->touch();
// Mass updating a using specific column

Now the list of the Laravel 9.25 Released updates:


  • Added whenNotExactly to Stringable (#43700)
  • Added ability to Model::query()->touch() to mass update timestamps (#43665)


  • Prevent error in db/model commands when using unsupported columns (#43635)
  • Fixes ensureDependenciesExist runtime error (#43626)
  • Null value for auto-cast field caused deprication warning in php 8.1 (#43706)
  • db:table command properly handle table who doesn’t exist (#43669)


  • Handle assoc mode within db commands (#43636)
  • Allow chunkById on Arrays, as well as Models (#43666)
  • Allow for int value parameters to whereMonth() and whereDay() (#43668)
  • Cleaning up old if-else statement (#43712)
  • Ensure correct ‘integrity’ value is used for css assets (#43714)

To get to know more about the Laravel, you can check these articles too.

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