While working with the fileupload having relation manyToMany with Media in my application build in Symfony, I have faced this error when submitting the form with file attached:
TypeError App\DataBundle\Entity\UserEntity::addMediaFile(): Argument #1 ($mediaFile) must be of type App\DataBundle\Entity\MediaFile, Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile given, called in /var/www/html/user-dashboard/vendor/symfony/property-access/PropertyAccessor.php on line 639
This error was showing the addMediaFile() issue in my project with the following details if the code I have written in my files.
in src/DataBundle/Entity/UserEntity.php (line 256) public function getMediaFile(): Collection { return $this->mediaFile; } public function addMediaFile(\App\TFT\DataBundle\Entity\MediaFile $mediaFile) : static { $this->mediaFile[] = $mediaFile; }
I have tried searching over internet regarding this issue with a suitable solution but found nothing working as expected.
So, I tried checking the Symfony documentation and found the issue was in the relation with Media Entity I have created to work with files relation to my entities in my application. The issue was with the attribute name “mapped” in my entity relation in my EntityFormType file while creating a form with the code following:
->add('mediaFile', FileType::class, [ 'mapped' => true, 'required' => false, 'multiple' => true ]); }
when I have set the “mapped => false” and updated my code like this:
// Symfony Form Type (UserType) class UserType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder->add('mediaFile', FileType::class, [ 'mapped' => false, // Handle file uploads separately 'required' => false, 'multiple' => true ]); } }
It fixed my issue, so I did more research and here is the detailed description for this attribute contribution with the addMediaFile() method in symfony:
In Symfony forms, the mapped option determines whether the field value should be mapped to the underlying object/entity. When you set ‘mapped’ => false, it means that the field value will not be bound to any property of the underlying object/entity.
In your case, the mediaFile field is of type FileType, typically used for file uploads. By setting ‘mapped’ => false, you’re telling Symfony not to bind the uploaded file(s) to any property of the UserEntity entity directly. Instead, Symfony will handle the file(s) separately without trying to populate any property of the entity with their values.
This is useful in scenarios where you need to handle file uploads independently, such as when you want to process the uploaded file(s) in the controller directly without persisting them to the database immediately, or when you want to handle file uploads in a custom way not directly related to the entity.
In your case, since you’re not mapping the mediaFile field to any property of the UserEntity entity (‘mapped’ => false), the error you’re encountering in your addMediaFile() method likely stems from trying to add a file directly to a method that expects a specific entity type (MediaFile). You need to handle the file upload separately and convert it into the appropriate entity type (MediaFile) before adding it to the UserEntity entity.